Zodiac Signs That Make the Best Marriage Partners

Stars never lie! These are the best marriage partners based on zodiac compatibility.

Are you looking for a partner who would want to build a future with you, but lately everyone seems too preoccupied with themselves? While this may be true and the world around us seemed to change a lot in the past years, have you ever wondered if maybe you’re not looking for a person who matches your zodiac sign?

Here at Zodiac Oracle, we work with the best astrologists in town who are always ready to give us a helping hand regarding compatibility, lucky days, or simply how to work on your best assets.

If you are new to astrology or have always been interested in how the stars and planets influence humans on Earth by traveling through the constellations, you have likely read some articles about astrology by now, at least out of pure curiosity.

It makes sense, after all, to be curious about how your birth astrology predicts whether you will get along or not with other people, especially a potential romantic partner.

When someone asks you, “What’s your sign?” It may seem intimidating, and you won’t want to answer right away because it is a personal question after all, but believe us when we say that it can highly influence a future possible romantic relationship if you’re aware of how compatibility works in astrology.

So, now let’s get deeper into the subject and see what the stars have to say about who are the best marriage partners for each zodiac sign.

marriage partners
Photo by Halytskyi Olexandr from Shutterstock

Aries – best marriage partners: Leo and Sagittarius

Oh, the competitor of the entire zodiac needs someone who can keep up with their energy, which sometimes can be frustrating. Yet, that doesn’t mean Aries will end up alone. The best marriage partners for Aries are Sagittarius and Leo, both fire signs.

The ideal partner for Aries is someone who enjoys spontaneous dates and trips to random destinations and must always be open to making jokes and laughing a lot. If you want to please an Aries, you must be open to embracing your inner child and once in a while let them out and play.

This adventurous zodiac sign loves to be in charge, so be willing to give them the spotlight if you want to be a good partner. Furthermore, since the air keeps the fire alive, Aries may also have a smooth but spicy romance with an Aquarius or a Gemini.

Taurus – best marriage partners: Virgo and Capricorn

Those who are born under this zodiac sign ruled by Venus—the planet of values, relationships, and beauty—are thoughtful, passionate, and very devoted lovers but also habitual creatures who prefer comfort above anything else. Their ideal spouse will be someone who shares their preference for a leisurely pace and connecting with the world through all five senses since they are known to meander through life at a pretty slow pace.

So who is going to fulfill a Taurus’s desire? The methodical Virgo is equally inclined to putting together lists and making sensible plans for the future, and the passionate Capricorn is happy to go slowly and cautiously toward whatever goal they put their minds on, just like Taurus. For that reason, it’s not a surprise to see earth signs remaining together for life.

Because Earth cannot survive without water, the other two best marriage partners for Taurus are the all-time sentimental Cancer and the highly empathetic Pisces, ready to give a helping hand to everyone who is at stake.

Gemini – best marriage partners: Aquarius and Libra

Geminis are very talkative and curious, and they love to go from one activity or setting to the next. Born under Mercury, that is the planet of communication, transportation, and technology, so don’t be surprised if you hook up with a Gemini, and soon after you come home from a vacation, they’ll soon plan another.

This flexible air sign needs a love partner who can think on both sides of the relationship. Geminis respond well to dynamic, lively talks on different topics that give them plenty of chances to learn new things.

Because of their Mercury influence, they will also always find pleasure in flirting with other people, even if they are in a serious relationship for a long time. Of course, not many people are willing to accept this, so they need partners who are air signs, like Aquarius or Libra, the social butterfly of the entire zodiac.

A Gemini will also be interested in a partner who is action-oriented like them, so the fierce and determined Leo is also a great match.

Cancer – best marriage partners: Scorpio and Pisces

The intuitive, sensitive moon rules the cardinal water sign, which is home to sentimental, emotionally astute, and humorous people who were born with their sun or other placements in this sign.

They are frequently led by their emotions at that particular moment due to the lunar influence. Therefore, individuals might arrive at a date feeling angry or excited, depending on whether they’ve just had an exciting or difficult day at work.

Because of that, and not only that, the highly sensitive Cancer needs a romantic partner who is also keen on pampering, spending time together, and being family-oriented. The best marriage partners for a Cancer are the emotionally intense Scorpio and the kind Pisces, both water signs.

But a person born under the sign of Cancer can also make a powerful couple with Virgo, which is probably the most aware sign of their surroundings, paying a little extra attention to the details, and this is what Cancers love the most: to be remembered!

If you’re a comfortable person who prefers to stay indoors and have various in-house activities, a Taurus can be a great match with whom you can enjoy comfort food and binge-watch your favorite shows. Sounds like a plan indeed!

Leo – best marriage partners: Sagittarius and Aries

Oh, Leo! These luxurious-oriented people born under this sign are charismatic by nature and super passionate, but at the same time, they also love being in the spotlight. Hmmm, that won’t be a green flag for many zodiac signs, so they must find their super duper match for the relationship to work out.

Leos want a partner who is devoted and honest and who also praises them when they do something good. Since they are also great in bed, they expect to be with someone who shares the same trait.

Usually, their best marriage partners are Sagittarius and Aries, but even with so many similarities between them, the relationships need a lot of work to function. For two fire signs to get along, they must be willing to share the spotlight and take turns putting on the show.

Lion-born individuals get along well with lively, people-oriented Gemini but also with the friendly and sociable Libra.

Virgo – best marriage partners: Taurus and Capricorn

Its attention to detail, willingness to lend a hand to others, work ethic, and communication abilities are the most known attributes of this changeable earth sign. Virgos appreciate the beauty of simple things in life and love having someone to talk to about them.

Among the best matches for a Virgo are two Earth signs, the grounded Taurus and the driven and motivated Capricorn. If a Virgo who is vigilant and attention-oriented pairs with one of these signs, they not only accomplish their goals but also take them to the next level. It’s amazing to see a powerful couple between these signs. Oh, the sparks!

Besides the Earth signs, a Virgo may also go very well with Cancers and Scorpios, two water signs that share a lot of similarities.

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Libra – best marriage partners: Aquarius and Gemini

There is no surprise that Libras love life so much that they desire to have a romantic partner who shares the same passion as them. Focused on bringing peace whenever they step, Libras avoid conflict as much as possible, and even when it happens, they handle it so carefully it won’t end up upsetting the interlocutor.

When paired with another gregarious sign of the zodiac, such as chatty, energetic Gemini or science-minded, community-focused Aquarius, Libra will certainly experience effortless sailing.

Additionally, they’ll discover that they have a great time hanging out with an artistic, self-expressing, amusing Leo or an adventurous, floaty, uncensored Sagittarius.

Astrology functions in mysterious ways, so it might be a little challenging to figure out if you’re new to the subject. Invest in this book to dive into Astrology Basics for Beginners. It will walk you through the house system and planets but also to self-interpreting your birth chart. When you’re ready, you can get it on Amazon for the incredible price of $11.9.0.

Scorpio – best marriage partners: Pisces and Cancer

Scorpio is a fixed water sign ruled by Pluto and Mars, and those born under this sign are usually strong, brave, honest, and driven to establish a very personal connection with those who share the same character traits.

To bond and become closer, Scorpios want a partner who isn’t afraid to reveal their deepest—and sometimes darkest—secrets and sentiments. When a Scorpio is falling in love, they’re going to be super committed, and if their partner isn’t going to be on the same page, things won’t end up well.

Since Scorpios naturally feel at ease in the depths of their emotions and often aspire to create a passionate, spiritually rewarding relationship, their best marriage partners are the water signs Pisces and Cancer who share the same interests and level of kindness.

Sagittarius – best marriage partners: Aries and Libra

This fire sign is adventurous, has a high sense of humor, but also enjoys talking philosophical stuff and has an itching urge to travel the world. And who’s going to be their best matches if not Aries, Leos, and Libras?

However, there is a catch with the relationship with Leo because they both need attention and if taking turns isn’t your thing, then you might want to bond with Aries instead.

The worst compatibility is between a Sagittarius and a Virgo or a Pisces that are very sensitive, and the arrogant nature of a Sag might upset them pretty quickly. Furthermore, Sagittariuses should also stay away from Geminis because these signs will find it hard to see eye to eye on life’s values.

Capricorn – best marriage partners: Virgo and Taurus

The cardinal earth sign is associated with people who are hardworking, realistic, goal-oriented, and willing to persevere for years to reach the top of whatever mountain they set their minds on. They also require a partner who shares their commitment to establishing a strong bond that will endure over time.

Capricorns desire a partner who is just as driven as they are to leave their mark in the world. The best marriage partners for them are those born under the sign of Virgo or Taurus. An earthly couple may easily accomplish their goals by working together and using a reason to motivate them.

Besides Taurus and Virgo, Capricorns may find the connection with a Scorpio very appealing because they can be as enthusiastic and strong as them. However, those born under the sea goat sign might discover a lot about themselves and how to access their innermost feelings by falling in love with a passionate Pisces.

Aquarius – best marriage partners: Libra and Gemini

Charismatic, humanitarian, forward-thinking, and skilled at building platonic relationships, Aquarius is co-ruled by the energizing Uranus, the planet of revolution, and the sobering Saturn, the planet of boundaries. They will frequently keep up friendships with a broad network of contacts.

But although they’re surrounded by many friends, quirky Aquarius still loves their independence and appreciates time alone as well. Since Aquarius is among the fixed signs of the zodiac, they desire a strong bond with a person who is communicative and balance-seeking. That’s why the best matches are Libras (the social butterfly of the zodiac) and Geminis.

Together they will have a full agenda with different schedules that imply both time together but also time apart, meant to strengthen the relationship with their friends.

Pisces – best marriage partners: Scorpio and Cancer

We already established that Pisces is the most empathic and emotional zodiac sign. Driven by a profound passion for the artistic side of life, people born under this sign are very passionate about their romantic relationships and want to make their partners feel like they’re living a dream.

Because of that, Pisces deserve a committed, honest, and passionate life partner who can reciprocate their feelings and make them feel lucky to have them in their lives.

Pisces will do well with a fellow water sign, be it the intimacy-seeking, emotionally astute Scorpio or the sentimental, truly compassionate Cancer. Together, they may create a life that is emotionally satisfying as well as filled with romantic memories, creative hobbies, and family customs.


Don’t forget that besides the zodiac compatibility, to choose the right partner to go on with on the path of life, you must also pay attention to other things. Your spouse should make you happier and better at life; they should also know what makes you happy and what you need from them when you’re anxious, sad, or angry.

Love is more than just a simple word, and it has nothing to do with the zodiac. Compatibility is also based on sharing views on life in general, hobbies, and similar interests, and long-term happy marriages include all of them.

While so many people are rushed to get married until they reach a certain age, it might be a better idea to just wait until you find the person that’s right for you. It’s never too late for something in life…

That our love was etched in the stars is a lovely thought. Of course, certain traits could go better together than others. Ultimately, don’t let your partner’s zodiac sign influence who you choose to marry.

Are you new around here, but this article made you thirsty for more? We absolutely got you! If you subscribe to Zodiac Oracle, you can read the daily zodiac, what the stars have to say about your week, but also what’s the deal with the angel numbers, and so on. Meanwhile, before you go, you may want to check out 6 IncredibleI Zodiac Signs That Bring the Heat Between the Sheets

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