The 5 Most Manipulative Zodiac Signs

Be aware of these manipulative signs!

What is a manipulative person? According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, this is described as “serving or intended to control or influence others in an artful and often unfair or selfish way.”

Now one important thing is that not just narcissists and sociopaths are trying to manipulate others. All of us have this ability, and some use this tactic more often to get the things they want. Something interesting is that many people don’t even realize that they are manipulating others. Yes, this happens, and more of us should be aware of this.

Since we are here on Zodiac Oracle, it is obvious that the zodiac sign can tell a lot about this, and being aware of this can help you spot the manipulators of the zodiac more easily. Each sign has its ruler planet and its energy. Some energies are negative and others are positive. Some signs take advantage of others more than others. This is how things work!

Get ready to discover more about this and learn how to manage your relationships with these signs!

Image By MDV Edwards From Shutterstock


They are ruled by Neptune, the planet of deception. As a result, their approach to manipulation is complex and subtle. They are manipulative in a way that is all about the subconscious. Pisces tend to create their own reality. And they want to drag you inside this reality as well.

These guys are very imaginative and empathetic, but this is the thing that also makes them prone to self-deception and avoidance of accountability. As you would expect, all of these traits combined can lead to some behaviors that can be deemed manipulative. You can easily observe this, especially when they need to avoid responsibility.

The main tactic they use is deflecting blame. When conflict arises, Pisces tend to feel that no one understands them, and they also lose trust in other people’s intentions. The result of this is that Piescces makes others feel guilty for situations that are not theirs to carry.

Other times Pisces will just avoid confrontation altogether and retreat into their own fantasy world, making those around them feel dismissed or unacknowledged. Some would say that this sign is a difficult one to understand because it operates according to their own set of rules.

All we want to say is that many times Pisces are not manipulative because they want it. Sometimes this happens, and they are not aware of it. This is why it is important to always talk to them and tell them if something seems not ok.


They are charming, they are witty, and sometimes they are manipulative. This is Gemini in a nutshell, and it is better to know more about this versatile air sign. Gemini is very good at understanding multiple perspectives, and this gives them the ability to take on different personas depending on the context.

Their preferred manipulation technique is stretching the truth, or the way we all know it, lying. What baffles a lot of people is that Gemini can justify their lies by telling you it was for the greater good. They might try to say that they wanted to avoid a conflict or make a situation easier for anyone involved.

For example, they can follow through on a commitment despite the fact they have no intention of doing so, or they might lie about the urgency of a situation just to make others take action.

The thing is that Gemini can be very subtle about their habit of lying, and many would not realize they are not telling the truth. Sometimes their stories sound very convincing, and you might fall into their trap.

If you are in a relationship with a Gemini, make sure clear communication is always a priority. Gently challenge their inconsistencies and encourage honest communication.


When we hear about Scorpios, we immediately think about them as mysterious and passionate. This is totally true, and for the most part, all of this comes from their ruler, Pluto. The three words that define them the best are transformation, power, and subconscious.

They are the masters of human psychology, and when they have all this knowledge, they might develop some manipulative tendencies. It can be hard for some Scorpios to have all this power and not take advantage of it.

Another thing about Scorpios is that they value loyalty very much, and they can use this as a tool for manipulation. If someone is not as loyal as they expect Scorpios consider this a big mistake and those around them know this very well.

These people will become afraid of losing the Scorpio in their lives, and this is how this person will have control over them. They have to choose between being loyal to Scorpio’s terms or jeopardizing the relationship.

Another tactic they use is to threaten people that they will reveal their secrets. Many people see confidence in Scorpios, and this is why they know everyone’s secrets. When someone messes with them, their dark side emerges, and they will reveal secrets without any remorse.


They are ruled by the Sun, but this powerful presence also has a dark side. Sometimes Leos can be very manipulative, and nothing can stop them. Their reasons are simple: Leos want to be validated and admired, and they will do anything to get this from other people.

When they want to maintain a positive image, some Leos will play dumb or minimize their actions. Also, if a situation unfolds and Leo senses that they can benefit from it, they will spin the narrative and make sure everyone understands how it can help anyone involved. Their confidence might lead everybody to feel they are acting in the best interests of others, even if their decisions are really selfish.

Many times they act like they are the heroes just because they want to have a good reputation. Also, Leos hate to be confronted, but they are not afraid of it. They will probably respond with charm and persuasion, trying to convince you that they mean no harm.

The easiest way to deal with a manipulative Leo is to have an honest conversation. But it is very important to have a positive approach. You need to keep reassuring them that you appreciate them without being perfect. After all, none of us is. Maybe it doesn’t seem like a lot, but for them, it is very important.

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They are very ambitious, and they know a lot of stuff. But one thing many people don’t know about Capricorns is that they have a manipulative side, and sometimes this goes so subtle that people around them don’t even notice.

Most of the time, Capricorns become manipulative when they want to control a situation. They have a reputation for being knowledgeable and professional, and sometimes this might make others feel inferior. This is how the goats of the zodiac make others follow their plans.

They are very good at making other people question themselves, and if they want to persuade them to follow their ideas, they can do this very easily. But it is important to be aware that many times Capriocrns are not being manipulative because they want to. They are just very sure they know best and want others to follow them.

If you want to learn more about how manipulation works, this is a great book to start: The Dark Psychology Playbook

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