You might have heard already about Saturn’s Return. It’s a period marketized by social media influencers as a tumultuous time that happens in your late 20s when the planet Saturn in the sky aligns with Saturn in the birth chart.

However, what does it actually mean, and how could it impact your star sign? Here’s a handy guide on how to survive, and thrive during the astrological event, and who might be going through their Saturn Return soon.

The truth is that some people might start feeling funky in the run-up to their 30th birthday. Then, you know the drill: cocktails and tears, his mirror analysis, and doomsday commentary that we might be “getting OLD.”

If you have been there and made it out on the other side, then you know what I’m talking about. If you are yet to turn 30, you might still have the potential to freak out before you reach your 30s.

Objectively, 30 is not “old.” It’s still very young, and you still have your whole life ahead, with so many chances and opportunities and options.

However, the freak-out is real, and it’s truly not our fault that we get swept up in it. It turns out we can actually blame the stars for this period of unrest, especially during our Saturn Return. It’s all down to your natural Saturn sign.

south node saturn return
Photo by ZuperJom from Shutterstock

What is Saturn’s Return?

Your birth chart is a snapshot of where all the planets were in the sky when you were born, especially in what sign and house. Some planets move quite fast through the skies, especially since they are closer to us, such as the moon (even if it’s basically just a satellite) and Venus or Mercury.

The outer planets, those that are generally further away, move a bit slower and can take many years or decades to move into different signs. One of those planets is Saturn. It generally takes 29.5 years for Saturn to complete one full orbit around the sun, as well as to return to the spot it was when you were born.

This “homecoming” is known as the Saturn Return, and it’s quite a momentous astrological event in your life cycle. Then, Saturn will return in your late 50s, and again in your late 80s. However, it’s not all bad, and it’s something that happens to everyone. You are not the only one.

What does Saturn’s Return feel like?

Saturn is the “taskmaster” planet. It is known to rule Capricorn, who are the most ambitious, hard-on-themselves and conscientious people you can meet. Saturn’s like a Tiger Mum, a cruel-to-be-kind coach who takes us apart to rebuild us later, into a better and stronger version of ourselves.

Saturn’s presence also means that many life lessons will be issued. So you better be ready to grow up. During the Saturn Return, you might face down your demons. You will also reflect on your path so far, and whether it was worth your effort.

All the wrong turns and missed opportunities you faced in the last 30 years seem to resurface (some people might feel low around this time). However, you need to focus on the lessons and not the past, since your mistakes do not define you.

Saturn is here to make you acknowledge, understand, and process your negatives, so they don’t bother and trip you up no more. In reality, that’s not a bad thing.

It can also serve to help you acknowledge that time and opportunity aren’t endless. It also helps to know that youth fades. You are not really bulletproof and you are not immortal either. You have a bag of tools, a book of rules, and a ticking clock. Use it, get busy living, don’t waste your time. Saturn invites you to “get serious about your life and take control of where it’s going.”

Who just had a Saturn Return?

All those with Saturn in Aquarius in their birth chart would have experienced a Saturn Return from 2020 through to March 2023. They are clear now. Those who were born between 6th February 1991, and 20th May 1993, along with 29th June 1993, and 28th January 1994.

Even if those who were born in the early 1960s experienced their second Saturn Return, and those who were born in the early 1930s went through their third, it’s still worth mentioning what Saturn in Aquarius is all about.

First things first, Saturn adopts the traits of the water-bearer, and those are truth, innovation, community, and progression. Maybe you have re-evaluated your contribution to this world. Maybe you are inventing or even leading a progressive change in the community.

Who is going through their Saturn Return now?

Those with Saturn in Pisces in their birth chart are now undergoing this shift. This return promises to be fickle, emotional, and linked to both spiritual growth and practical issues. Those who were born between the 1st of May 1993 and the 30th of June 1993, and the 28th of January 1994 and 7th of April, 1996 are now wrapping up their Saturn Return.

Those born in their mid-1960s (1964-1967) experience their second Saturn Return, and those born in the mid-to-late 1930s (1935 to 1938) are going through their third.

There are plenty of astrologers who think that a Saturn Return lasts from the moment Saturn really enters your natal Saturn sign to the moment it exits, which also means that the current “returners” could experience the weather of this cosmic cloud until 13th February 2026.

Who will go through it next?

Roll up, roll up your sleeves. All of you with Saturn in Aries will experience their return on 13th February 2026. So people who are born between 7th April 1996, and 9th June 1998, or 25th October 1998, and 8th February 1999 will go through their first Saturn Return, while those born in the late 1960s (1967-1969) will experience their second Saturn Return, as well as those born in the late 1930s and first few months of 1940 with their third Saturn Return.

Saturn in Aries is quite passionate and determined, focused on teaching you valuable lessons about independence, ambition, as well as competition. Life IS a game, and you need to learn how to play it.

south node Saturn return
Photo by Craig Taylor Photography from Shutterstock

Focus on the lessons, not on the past

Schedule constant quiet time, at the start and end of each week (the regular pulse of this could help train your subconscious to effectively show up with its insights at this time), as well as a truth-revealing crystal like Amazonite or Moldavite.

It can help you accelerate your insight into who you are becoming, driven by what roles truly inspire and attract you. So try to lie down, hold the crystal in your left (receiving) hand, and take deep breaths.

Relax and release the humdrum thoughts of the day ahead or behind you. Also, imagine that you are interviewing yourself, perhaps at your next Saturn Return. What would you like to have told your interviewer that you achieved or become in life? What would you like to be known for?

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