Get over Mercury retrograde by following these steps:
Mercury retrograde scares everybody, but in reality, this is an event that is a natural part of our cosmos and can bring us a ton of nice things not only headaches and bad vibes. But what’s the deal with this troublemaker? Why is it happening? We talked to a couple of local astrologists who were kind enough to share this precious information with us.
Mercury is the most common planet to go retrograde, happening three times this year for three weeks at a time. Ugh, that long? Yes, but we can create opportunities for reorganization and inner growth throughout the year if we learn to manage these times effectively rather than constantly being angry about everything that goes wrong.
To put it simply, Mercury is the king of communication, and that includes all sorts of communication, when it retrogrades, everything shifts and the normal flow of energy goes through changes too. The following advice will help you get through this period and make the most of it rather than letting it alter your mood.
Try and spend more time in nature
It might sound a bit far-fetched, but there is no better time to focus on yourself than when Mercury retrogrades. The internet doesn’t seem to work, your phone as well? Take a stroll, look at the sky, or soak your feet in the sea if you’re lucky to live by it.
Remember that not everything is digital and that sometimes we need to take an unplanned vacation from our gadgets so that we can reconnect with ourselves and the things that truly matter. Spend this time connecting with nature and with the people you love, both friends and family members, and you’ll be more prepared to handle man-made things afterward.
During Mercury Retrograde might be the perfect time to meet those people you always wanted to but never had the time to organize something. Be spontaneous. A walk in nature and talking in person for hours is probably the best therapy we need.
Pause before you speak
To get over the Mercury retrograde period and prevent bad things from happening to you, you may want to take a deep breath before letting yourself get annoyed with little things that could spark a fight.
If you are struggling to find the right words, take a few deep breaths and gather your thoughts. Pause during a conversation if you are speaking with another person so that you can both catch your breath.
Have empathy for both yourself and other people, and acknowledge that it can be difficult to put into words yourself. Take at least five minutes to clear your mind before giving a major speech. There is no need to panic! While Mercury will want to play with you, you can show it you’re stronger and you will resist any challenge that may cross your path during these times.
Be open to hearing others talking too
Another way to get over Mercury retrograde is by being careful not to dominate the conversation with your thoughts and take up too much space during meetings. Even though it may be difficult and you feel like you’re short-tempered during this time, try and be open to hearing what others have to say too!
Take a moment to slow down, breathe, and pause. Don’t over speak about things just because you’re nervous. Let others speak their mind too! Talk in a way that is balanced and makes everyone feel heard, seen, and valued.
Don’t sign important papers
This is applicable, especially for those who usually sign contracts at their job or for those who are new employees and have to sign the hiring papers. Before rushing to sign, make sure you’ve read the contract at least two times.
You’d be surprised at how quickly our minds and eyes move, and we often don’t take the time to fully process and understand the lecture. Don’t worry and if you don’t grasp the concept after the first read, consider asking HR or the contractor for more time or additional materials to help you better understand the documents.
Before signing, ensure you fully understand what you are agreeing to. If you don’t sit well with the terms, take advantage of this time and allow Mercury retrograde to end the agreement and begin over. It may seem like a hard decision to make, yet, in the long term, you will benefit from it.
Spend time with yourself
Do you feel like you’re always busy and you never have the time to reconnect with yourself? Embrace this time for transformation. As Mercury channels energy inward, speaking to yourself can become a powerful tool for growth and insight.
Use this time to access some of your most hidden feelings and check what your intuition has to say about things that happen in your life. It might also be beneficial to start journaling and focus more on introspection. Astrologists advise us to start our days by being grateful for all the things that we have instead of underlining all the negative aspects of our lives.
This will help you see things more clearly, and in case something happens during the day, your inner peace won’t be disturbed.
Be open to small adjustments
Did the vending machine from your workplace break down while you were trying to buy a soda? Maybe it’s Mercury retrograde’s fault that made you re-think your choice, or it was simply bad luck. Either way, focus on the good side of things. Instead of being mad at yourself for losing money, consider it a sign from the above that you should make healthier choices from now on.
Whenever it feels too much and you don’t see how a formula for how to get over the mercury retrograde period is safe and sound, slow down. Enjoy nature and your own company, and if possible, postpone big decisions for another time.
Do some technology “cleaning” with crystals
And by cleaning, we don’t mean to soak your gadgets in warm water, of course! Since Mercury retrograde is a time when everybody must protect their energies, cleansing the objects we use regularly throughout the day is very important. The best crystals to purify the electronic devices are black tourmaline, citrine, and blue lapis.
While citrine is amazing for boosting good vibes, black tourmaline is known for its protection properties, and blue lapis is going to help you communicate with yourself and others better during the retrograde time. Simply place your gadgets and personal objects like rings, bracelets, or necklaces near one of these crystals.
Are you seeking the perfect black tourmaline crystal at a great price? Oh, we got you! On Amazon, you can order yours for $8.99. As we previously mentioned, you can use your black tourmaline crystal to protect you from bad vibes, but also to help you avoid stress during this challenging period of Mercury retrograde.
Light some candles
Last but not least all the steps you may follow to get over Mercury retrograde is to stock up on candles. And not any candles; the yellow ones are recommended. Why this particular color? Astrologists say that yellow is the color of communication, and during this time when communication might be challenging, lighting a yellow candle may help.
To unwind at the end of a long and hard day, you may also light up some white candles, widely known for bringing a calmer vibe into the space. This will offer you a chance to transform your home into the environment you desire and eliminate the negative aspects of your life.
Are you interested in more tips regarding Mercury retrograde? We got you! Check out this related article for more insight into the topic: 4 Surprising Things That Get Easier During Mercury Retrograde.