Looking for a smooth date? Here’s what you should ask on a first date based on your Astro sign
Yupee, you will finally have that date you’ve been expecting for a while. It’s finally happening! What will you wear, what will you do, but most importantly, what will you ask them? Every time you meet someone new is nerve-racking, to put it mildly. You like them from what you’ve talked about, and you wish everything would go right so you would end up together. However, things aren’t that easy, are they?
You manage to pick a spot you both like; you meet, you go there, look over the menu, order a drink and maybe something to eat too, and while you’re expecting the order, you briefly introduce yourself without revealing anything that isn’t appropriate.
If the conversations go smoothly and you notice there is chemistry between you two, there might be a possibility to meet for the second, third, or fourth time, and then, who knows, maybe get married. That sounds fantastic, doesn’t it?
However, while there are a ton of fun and interesting questions that will help you break the ice, each zodiac sign has a particular one to ask to make sure their date is a match or not. Curious about what you should ask on a first date according to your sign? Here’s where things get interesting.

Astrologists say…
…that each zodiac sign is on a “mission” to find more about the person they’re dating. While you won’t ask weird questions like “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” or “Is your sign governed by Pluto?” because many people might freak out (and with a reason!), It’s essential to determine whether a person aligns with your future goals to avoid wasting time on someone who doesn’t.
During a first date, make sure to ask one of the following questions to ensure you get the information you are looking for.
As an Aries, one of the things you must ask on a first date is what they are doing for fun. It might sound weird, but for the adventure-seeking Aries, this is a fundamental question whose answer might take the relationship to the next step or not.
It won’t work out if your date thinks that reading or staying in on a Friday night is a good way to pass the time. Instead of being with a couch potato, Aries will be happiest in a relationship with someone who enjoys exciting adventures and spontaneous travel, even if they won’t travel abroad. Living in the present with all it offers is probably the best and easiest way to win an Aries’s heart.
If you don’t choose to go to a restaurant for your first date as a Taurus, then among all the other spicy stuff that you’re talking about, don’t forget to ask what’s their favorite food. Why is this curiosity about food? Well, Taurus is an earth sign ruled by Venus; the planet of pleasure gives the foodie bull the capacity to enjoy the little things in life at a different level compared to other zodiac signs.
Taureans like to unwind in tranquil, rural settings with calming sounds, pleasant scents, and mouthwatering flavors. Because of that, they must know what their potential future partner loves when it comes to food.
Their plans for the future, careers, favorite vacation spots, and other topics about Venus could inspire insightful follow-up questions. To break the ice and make them feel comfortable during the discussion, start by telling them about your favorite food.
There is no surprise that a Gemini is curious by nature. Those born under this zodiac sign must know everything to satisfy their curiosity! That is why the best thing they must ask on a first date without being awkward or pushy is, “Can you tell me everything? I am curious now!”
Embrace joyful topics that spark inspiration, such as the most unique ways they find fun, a one-of-a-kind item from their home they cherish the most, or an uplifting celebrity crush. The right person will see these questions as fun, challenging, and rather interesting. After all, this shouldn’t feel like a job interview where you should ask only serious questions. Just scratch the surface a bit and have fun, you two.
Forever a romantic at heart, a Cancer will already picture themselves getting married and be happy with their date even before knowing their last name. That’s why only cancer would ask on a first date such a bold and deep question that might upset some individuals. “What’s your relationship with your parents?” is a very intimate question, but it can show the sentimental cancer of how is really their date.
Because they’re so loyal and generous, these individuals really value feeling safe in all their relationships. They naturally hope to receive that same kind of care and treatment from their future partners!
The fierce, courageous, and above all, super proud Leo is always going to see other people as competitors. That’s why among the first things to ask on a first date as a Leo is definitely a question about their proudest achievement.
Under the sun’s rule, which is focused on success and brightness, Leo wants to find someone who is as committed and focused on personal goals as they are. Ask the person you are dating about their greatest professional or personal achievement. Then, don’t leave them waiting and tell your own captivating story. In the end, who knows? Perhaps you can both motivate one another.
Finding appreciation from the other person is the key to Leo’s heart.

“What annoys you the most?” There is no better question to ask on a first date than this one. Because Virgo is an earth sign ruled by Mercury, you are very busy at work, at home, and most probably in your personal life as well. As such, you don’t have time or energy to waste on someone who isn’t compatible with you.
Asking your date what’s the most annoying thing for them will help you determine whether you two will get along or not. Who knows? Maybe you will become a couple because you both loathe mismatched socks, crumbs in the bed, and grocery store shoppers who leave their carts in the aisle. Ugh! Can you imagine?
“Tell me about a romantic moment from your life!” On a first date, a Libra should focus on being lighthearted, flirtatious, and enjoyable, but they should also make sure they can treat them well. Ask them about the most romantic thing that has ever happened to them while you gently touch their shoulder and look them in the eye.
Libras are ruled by Venus, the goddess of love and attraction, so they are interested in their partner’s level of interest in romantic relationships and, more importantly, how they prioritize them.
It wouldn’t be a good date if the nosy Scorpio wouldn’t ask about the other person’s darkest secret! Although they appear malicious, a Scorpio is the exact opposite. Intimate and very sentimental, a Scorpio isn’t afraid of talking about taboo topics that many people find rather uncomfortable.
The adventure seeker Sagittarius is probably going to get bored in one place, especially if the date isn’t going as well as planned. But before you stand up and leave, you might want to ask a couple of things. Ask your date about their journeys, their favorite spot to visit for a vacation, or the most important lesson they’ve learned while traveling.
Because you’re always up for something new and fun, discovering that your date shares the same passions as you might be the beginning of something nice. If everything goes right, don’t be afraid and ask them if they want to get out of there.
Well, sorry to ruin it for you, dear Capricorn, but you might scare away your date with this question. Yet, this is who you are, and it’s probably for the best if you know from the start if your date is a match or not.
“Where do you see yourself in five years?” is the question you can ask on a first date. Why do Capricorns do this? Since they’re always set on their goals, most probably they have planned their entire life—when they’ll get married, when it’s the right time to start a family, change career path, and so on.
One thing is for sure: you won’t be able to enjoy your dinner until you clarify that you and your date have the same views on certain aspects. So make sure you break the ice smoothly. Then you can relax a bit after that is settled.
Now, tell me, what’s the weirdest thing about you? Yep, that’s the boldest question after the one that Cancer would ask. But for an Aquarius, this is just the tip of the iceberg since the weirdest the date, the happier they are.
As an air sign ruled by out-of-place Uranus, an Aquarius, you admire people with a little courage, such as musicians, poets, and fashion icons.
As a water sign governed by Neptune, you want to know if your date is a person with values. And how to know that if not by asking them what’s their biggest dream in life? If after asking this question and see that the person you’re talking to is having a good time, why not continue on the same path and ask them about their nighttime dreams? You can have fun discovering the hidden messages together! Trust me, something like this never lets people get bored. Especially Pisces!
Furthermore, besides being a fun way to enjoy your first date, this is the ideal way to see whether or not they can value your empathy and intuition and decide if there will be a second date or not.
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