Are you interested in astrology? Well, the wide majority of people start their journey into the stars by looking into their personalized birth chart. Commonly known as a “natal chart”, this graph is a two-dimensional representation of the three-dimensional solar system and its corresponding zodiac.
Its calculations are based on your date, time, and birth, and the chart reveals the position of the planets, asteroids, and stars, as well as celestial points at your exact moment of arrival. Your birth chart is a cosmic roadmap.
It comes with plenty of insights into the nuances of your own personality as well as karmic lessons and past, present, and future events. When it comes to certain matters of the heart, your birth chart effectively illuminates romantic compatibility with other people.
Within astrology, every planet has a different responsibility. The sun, even if not a planet, matters in our birth chart quite a lot. Why? Well, it manages the ego and sense of self. The moon, on the other hand, governs your inner world and emotions.
Mercury also rules communication (which is also why there are so many misunderstandings when it comes to retrograde), and assertive Mars stands for impulse, which also includes sexual urges. However, when it comes to love and those magical, super gushy, butterflies you could feel in your stomach, Venus is the one that runs the show.
Stargazers have also noticed the planet’s vivid radiance for many years now. Seen as a “benefic” planet, the planet has long been considered auspicious, which also explains why the ancient Romans decided to name the planet after the goddess of love, beauty, and money.
Interestingly enough, even if, in most cases, the planet is depicted as this magnificent goddess, her genesis story isn’t that appealing. According to classical mythology, right after Uranus was attacked by his son, Cronus (Saturn), Uranus’s…manhood was thrust into the ocean. It seems that in the story, Venus (or Aphrodite), emerged from that thick dense mist that was created in the ocean. How feminist of them!
However, the planet’s reputation didn’t get tainted by its grizzly-like origins. It still embodies a passionate romantic who loves to be in love. Within our birth chart, the planet governs courtship and adoration, but also personal taste and aesthetics.
Venus represents our most precious values, including our relationship with finances and material possessions. The planet is all about pleasure, so it just sits back and relaxes while it gets exactly what it wants. The planet is living “la vida local,” since this celestial body is about luxury.

Working with Venus
Skeptical readers could interpret the planet’s functions sound way too good to be true. If the planet is, well, the embodiment of effortless romance, then why is love so messy and dramatic? You are entitled to be a suspicious, cosmic warrior!
Even if fledging astrologers often look up to Venus as a measure of long-term compatibility, this rather common mistake comes with disappointing outcomes. Because, in all honesty, our beloved planet reveals the way we idealize love and beauty. Even if Venus’s desires are quite alluring, they don’t automatically translate to reality, or what’s truly sustainable for our souls.
Venus might come off as indulgent, but this doesn’t mean that it’s deceitful
This is the planet of decadent sweets, of five hours long baths, fanning by huge palm leaves. Even if this sounds amazing in theory, these interests rapidly turn into superficial indulgences.
And since Venus simply refuses to take off its rose-colored glasses, this planet also lacks the perspective to distinguish “wants” from “needs”. In other words, cosmic warriors, this planet is quite hedonistic.
While the Venusian energy can definitely help you redecorate a bedroom or host an amazing party, the bottom line is that sometimes it lacks both logic and emotions. Venus is only interested in being adored.
How to unpack those Venusian sensibilities
Now. We know we have learned that Venus isn’t really to be trusted. At the end of the day, why even bother with this lotus-eating planet in the first place? After all, you need to remember that while the planet is indulgent, it’s not deceitful.
This planet helps define our relationship with everything beautiful in life. As a matter of fact, Venus’s placement in our birth chart is quite significant. To effectively take a closer look at our relationship with this planet, you should calculate your free birth chart on, then head back here to check out the guide to interpret your results.
First, you have to check which zodiac sign your Venus is in. This is a very important step, especially since the planet’s sign could reveal exactly how it wants to indulge. Venus in Cancer, for example, seeks security in partnership, whereas Venus in Aquarius is driven by more unorthodox dynamics.
As soon as you have identified Venus’s sign, you should take a look and see what connections are made with other planets in your birth chart.
If Venus is linked to Mercury, for instance, communication might play a huge role in your relationships. Moreover, if Venus works closely with Saturn, Venus’s hedonistic sensibilities could be tempered by Saturn’s typical stoicism. Venus’s direct connection to Mars shows the beautiful interplay between sex and love. Are they in harmony, or do they serve entirely different purposes?
Venus is a staple piece in your personal cosmic puzzle. This super benevolent planet is there to remind us that, at the end of the day, we deserve all the love we can get. Venus’s attitude is also highly influenced by its astrological house.
The birth chart is divided into 12 different segments, often referred to as “houses.” Each of them represents a different aspect of your life. For example, someone with a Leo V in the sixth house (the house of daily routines) is always seeking opportunities to perform and attract attention at their workplace.
At the same time, an individual with Gemini Venus in their second house, which stands for personal finances, could easily achieve monetary success by following multiple careers or side hustles at the same time.
Let’s put it like this: your birth chart is a fully functioning ecosystem. It also comes with pre-assembled structures, meaning that there aren’t any missing parts or broken pieces. All the planets tell a certain story, and as you keep unfolding more information about their positions: signs, locations, and relationships with other celestial bodies, you start unlocking your unique cosmic narrative.
Your chart is there for a reason, but it’s truly up to you to interpret your own individual truth. Venus is very important in your personal cosmic puzzle. This extremely benevolent planet reminds all of us that, at the end of the day, we are all worthy of love.
Venus through the signs
The planet’s main mission is to spread pleasure everywhere. The zodiac sign in which you have your Venus is the way you “perceive” pleasure. As soon as you discover which sign the planet represents for you, check this list:
Aries V
Aries is a very strong and mighty warrior. Even if Venus, which is the most sensual planet in the sky, isn’t the ideal match for the fiery energy of an Aries, the combination can still be quite interesting.
When the planet is in Aries, it thrives on competition. Oh yes, they love the chase. People with Aries Venus love flirtatious romances that are mainly defined by physical touch, exciting spontaneity, and, naturally, some playful bickering to keep the flame “alive,” so to speak.
Taurus V
Tauruses are governed by Venus, so you can only imagine what I am about to say. Their combined energies blend like heaveeeen. As an earth sign, Taurus adores indulging its five senses through all kinds of luxurious fabrics, alluring aromas, and gentle caresses.
Even if Taurus Venus is famous for the fact that it’s extremely romantic, they also know just how to advocate for what they need and desire. They wish to have a relationship that’s deeply rooted in reality. If this sign feels even a bit unsupported, they will automatically seek comfort elsewhere.
Gemini V
As an air sign, Gemini strives for true communication. Moreover, a Gemini Venus is really drawn to information like a moth to a flame. Expression is very important for the Gemini Venus soul, so those who are born under this chatty sky find real pleasure when pursuing their curiosities.
More than that, since Gemini is linked to the local community, for Venus Gemini, there’s often no real distinction between friends or lovers. As a matter of fact, we could easily say that Gemini Venus is more into ambiguity. After all, it is more fun this way.
Cancer V
Cancer, our beloved crab, knows how to protect its soft interior with a tough exterior. But they’re so mellow on the inside! If you want to make these celestial crustaceans truly open up, they have to feel safe and secure.
Moreover, nothing is as rewarding to a Cancer V as building a relationship based on trust, loyalty, and protection. Since the crab carries its domicile on its back, Cancer Venus feels the best when they have the needed means to build a true partnership that feels like home.

Leo V
Leo is the governor of the heart, so it doesn’t shock us that those born under a Leo Venus sky are the embodiment of romance. Known to be both regal and generous, Leo Venus adores to worship (and be worshiped by) their partners.
This fiery Venus is crazy over the concept of a “power” couple. After all, Venus Leo is always seeking its co-ruler. For Leo Venus, a partnership is extremely personal, since they see it as a reflection of their own identity. When this sign feels particularly rejected, you need to proceed with a lot of caution, since lions are also known to be quite ferocious.
Virgo V
Those who are born with a Virgo Venus adore problem-solving. The ideal partnership for them is based on reciprocity. Virgo is defined by a particular earthy energy that’s both practical and organized. Well, no wonder that when it is fused with the planet of sensuality, this placement is wooed by plenty of thoughtful acts of service. Small and subtle gestures make any Virgo V race faster. For these sweet and very attentive lovers, there’s nothing more romantic than when their closest companion helps them with something. I could swear that Virgo Venuses are the ones who came up with acts of service as a love language.
Libra V
Besides Taurus, guess who’s the other adorned daughter of this planet? That’s right, it’s Libra! Venus feels very comfortable working with Libra Energy. But even if a Taurus Venus is all about physical sensuality, Libra Venus is more into the cerebral one.
What does it mean? Well, since the scales represent this zodiac, it makes all the sense in the world that Libras are obsessed with anything related to balance, harmony, and symmetry. Libra Venus people have aesthetics running in their blood.
If they give you any kind of advice related to that, trust them. They know best. Those born with this placement prefer indulging in their exquisite style and taste within their partnerships. In other words, Libra Venus has to be in a relationship that not only feels good but also looks good.
Scorpio V
Scorpios are shadow dwellers, so it is a well-known fact that they take their force off of unseen realms. When the planet of sensuality occupies Scorpio, it is enchanted by the most intense, mysterious, and karmic bonds.
Scorpio V adores anything that is slightly related to danger and promiscuous situations, so those who are born under this elusive sky yearn for deep and erotic intimacy that fully illuminates the connection from the inside.
Sagittarius V
When we hear Sagittarius, we instantly think about travel, discovery, and philosophy. Well, it doesn’t shock us that as soon as the planet of love gets into this sign, the planet’ gaze suddenly shifts from romance to rodeos.
People who have a Sagg Venus are attracted to explorers, nomads, and daredevils. Adventure is the biggest turn-on for these fiery lovers, but nothing truly excites Sagittarius Venus more than a spicy sense of humor. Sagittarius Venus adores to be entertained at all times, so laughter will always be their number one aphrodisiac.
Capricorn V
Capricorn is the self-proclaimed boss of the zodiac, so those with this placement are always on the lookout for their proverbial “daddy.” Even if Venusian energy is easily tempered by Capricorn’s signature stoicism, this planet manages to find quite easily its own erotic outlet by experimenting with all kinds of power dynamics and role play.
Since Capricorn abides by the exhausting “all work and no play” mantra, people who are born under a Capricorn Venus get off on pushing all the limits.
Aquarius V
Aquarius energy screams progressive, offbeat, and aloof. No wonder that those with an Aquarius Venus find a lot of pleasure in nonconformity. As a matter of fact, for the Aquarius V lover, the perfect partner can’t be defined by anything. Why?
It’s simple and complicated at the same time: an Aquarius V simply refuses to describe their intimate bonds through societal conventions. In the end, an Aquarius Venus is more prone to anything eccentric, free-spirited, and rebellious. If you’re anything like that, you better watch out! They will fall in love with you. When it comes to love and passion, this Venusian placement has its freak flag on.
Pisces V
The last but not least sign of the zodiac, the Pisces spirit is extremely mystical and ethereal. Even if Pisces’s energy can be quite hard to contain (in the end, the ocean is endless), Venus adores dwelling in this sign. There’s something about it that works for our adorned planet.
Moreover, some astrologers would argue that the planet is “exalted” in Pisces, meaning that when it comes to this sign, the planet functions at its highest vibration. Pisces Venus finds beauty in every little corner of the world and is especially drawn to creative pursuits like music and art. For Pisces Venus lovers, romance is all about spirituality.
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