7 Most Common Astrology Myths Debunked

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Debunking Astrology Myths

Astrology is both fascinating and controversial. Some use astrology for guidance while others want to hear nothing of it. According to the American Federation of Astrologers, more than 70 million Americans read their horoscopes on a daily basis. More than that, according to a twenty-year-old study carried out by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, 25 percent of Americans were convinced that the position of celestial bodies can influence our daily lives.

Whether you are an astrology believer, check the daily horoscope for fun or think astrology is a pseudoscience, here are some of the most common misconceptions and myths about it. You might see astrology in a different light after reading this article.

Ready to unravel the truth and gain some cosmic clarity? Let’s go!

Myth 1: Astrology is a predictive science

One common myth about astrology is that it predicts the future, kind of like fortune telling. It might seem that way, but in reality, astrology can help you have a better understanding of how the celestial bodies at the time you were born can influence your personality, behavior and life. It doesn’t tell you what will happen in the future in terms of specific events but it does help you with self-awareness and personal development in a given context.

Myth 2: All astrologers predict the same things

Astrology is quite complex, with different techniques, branches and practices. Astrologers may opt for different methods and interpretation of the movements of the sun, moon, planets, and constellations. In turn, this might lead to different analysis results and predictions.

What makes the difference is how much of an expert your astrologer is, their level of experience with a specific branch etc. And another thing that is equally important is the need to recognize that not everyone resonates with astrology, and you might not either.

Myth 3: Astrology is all about sun signs

To many of us, astrology is just a way to predict the future or possible events based on Sun signs. It is what we usually find in newspapers and magazines. But one’s Sun sign is just a small part of astrology, as one’s astrological profile is way more complex. A detailed birth chart will take into consideration many more aspects such as the position of the Moon and planets when you are born, offering a more refined and inclusive description of your astrological profile and influences.

See also: How Your Birth Date Influences Your Destiny

Myth 4: Astrology is not based on any science

Astrology is not seen as a science per se, although is it tightly connected to astronomy. If we were to go back in the past, we can see than both astrology and astronomy were, in the case of many early astronomers, practiced together.

In the opinion of Paul Byrne, an associate professor of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences at Washington University, “there’s just no way the motion of planets through the cosmos can affect us”. There would be too many effects to take into account on principal if they were.”

It is true that there are no solid science validations when it comes to astrology, but more and more studies have revealed that there is indeed a strong connection between the position of celestial bodies and personality traits displayed by people with the same zodiac signs.

Myth 5: Astrology forces a certain destiny

A major misconception and also fear when it comes to astrology is that its forces impose a certain path, no matter what. People fear that their lives have already been decided and they have no say in this. Nothing can be further from the truth.

The truth is astrology is an eye-opener when comes to influences and tendencies. It does not show you any fixed outcome, you have free will to make your own choices and decisions to influence how things end. What you can do is use astrology as a means for self-reflection and support in making informed decisions based on your personality traits but also your unique environment.

According to Paul Clements, a lecturer in arts and cultural policy at Goldsmiths University of London, astrology “offers new ways of thinking about life and who we are,” says Clements. “A way to assuage existential anxiety.”

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Myth 6: Astrology is a religion

No. Astrology is not a religion in anyway. It is, however, a belief system which incorporates various spiritual and cultural beliefs. Most astrology followers use it as a method to discover more about themselves, to recognize certain common traits with other people based on their zodiac signs and learn how to react in certain situations based on such information.

What we need to understand is that astrology can have its fans, just like religious doctrines have their followers, without any conflict between any of people’s belief systems.

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Myth 7: Astrology deals with personal matters only

Many people think that astrology only deals with personal aspects. In reality, astrology is much more than that. It can offer certain perspectives on various and more complex social trends and events. The movement of celestial bodies can provide explanations and insight on situations and events that could have a massive role in shaping the society and the world we live in.

It’s not only about Taurus having to dodge a conflicting situation or Cancer trying to be more assertive. It can be about broader occurrences that impact everyone.


As a conclusion, astrology is not as superficial as some make it seem. In order to be able to shatter all the myths around it, one needs to understand how astrology works and what its main principles and practices are. It might not fit into the standard scientific norms but it can provide important tools for self-reflection and personal development. By debunking the most common myths and misconceptions about astrology, we can value it for what it really is – a complex and versatile system with ancient roots that inspires and motivates people all over the world in one way or another.

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