Wanna be Rich? Manifest Money Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Everybody wants to wake up rich! But it’s impossible, yet your zodiac sign might help you achieve your financial goal. 

Is this manifesting thing for real? It seems too good to be true, yet, astrologists argue on this matter, so let’s see why. Every crystal has a unique energy frequency. Each one has unique qualities that have the power to enrich our lives.

In addition, every sign of the zodiac has its financial sector based on astrology. Astrologers can identify which stones will trigger each star sign’s plentiful celestial structures by examining its money sphere.

Affirmations are another tool we may utilize to spread riches. Continue reading to find out which stone and affirmation, according to your zodiac sign, will help you attract wealth.

How can you manifest money using crystals for your zodiac sign?

Using crystals to energetically align oneself with one’s desired goals is known as crystal magic. Every crystal has a different energy and is linked to different characteristics. Using these earthly spiritual instruments to materialize or call in your goals is up to you; the fun part is that there are no limits, so you can “play” with them as you wish.

There are countless options. For a steady energy boost, many individuals keep their crystal in their pockets and carry it with them everywhere they go.

Furthermore, many people choose to tuck the matching crystal for their zodiac sign into their pillowcases. It works wonders!

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Aries – I will never chase abundance because abundance seeks me.

More than any other sign in the zodiac, Aries is bold, energetic, and, above anything else, confident. That’s why they are among the very few zodiac signs that can also handle their finances more effectively.

To succeed in being rich, Aries is governed by Venus so they need a ruled stone, such as rose quartz. This gem expands the heart and gives unconditional love. It also encourages the growth and extension of practicality, which is exclusive to Aries.

As an Aries, all you have to do is dream big and never be scared to take calculated risks when necessary. Do you recall the fortunate numbers you had as a child? Play the lotto with them without giving it any thought. The recipient will trace its journey back to you.

Taurus – I put my faith in my ability to make smart financial and professional decisions.

The wealth sector of Taurus is governed by Mercury. That’s why Taurus needs a fluorite that mimics crystals and is controlled by Mercury. This crystal balances and aligns the mind with higher vibrations, giving intellectual rewards. It also brings wealth and material growth, which is unique to Taurus.

Gemini – I listen to my intuition when it tells me what will be best for my financials.

Given that Geminis are renowned for being sociable and versatile, it would be a shame to not take advantage of these traits. Due to the lunar effect on Gemini’s money sector, those born under this sign need a moonstone that resembles a crystal.

This stone balances one’s sentiments and intuition requirements by delivering emotional management. Besides carrying around the Moonstone, as a Gemini, all you need to do is write down your financial goals and then speak them out loud.

Looking for some gemstones to help you with your luck, but they are super expensive everywhere? We got you! On Amazon, you can buy all the stones that suit your zodiac sign for only $11.99. Besides being super affordable, they are also pocket-sized, so you can carry them around every day. 

Cancer – I trust my intuition to guide me toward the greatest course of action for my career.

If you don’t want to argue, it’s better not to ask about a cancer’s wages. This reticent star sign would rather keep its financial issues private. And this is because they desire financial security and often begin investing and saving at a young age. Cancers tend to be economical, setting up some money every month for a rainy day.

Since the sun is in Cancer’s abundance sector, citrine is the perfect crystal for you. This stone, controlled by the sun, exudes bold vitality, confidence, and excitement.

It also encourages prosperity and monetary advancement, so you shouldn’t be surprised if, like Taurus, Cancer will be rich in just months.

Leo – When I focus on my goals, I already know they’re reached.

Mercury influences the abundance sector in Leo. They need an emerald that resembles a crystal and is regulated by Mercury. This stone boosts problem-solving abilities and mental stimulation. It also gives plenty of material expansion, making it special to Leo only.

Virgo – I pull abundance to myself by being consistent in my wants and values.

Virgos possesses three essential qualities for creating and preserving wealth: practicality, caution, and organization. They are also excellent savers, investors, and budgeters by nature; probably the best out of all zodiac signs.

Venus affects the abundance sector, which makes Pearl the perfect crystal for Virgos. This stone, which is controlled by Venus, exudes a calm, collected energy and a carefree assurance. Pearls are also known for promoting prosperity and material advancement for those who wear them.rich

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Libra – I invite abundance into my life when I set clear boundaries and say no to distractions.

Yep, Libras are easily distracted from their plans, and with something new always around the corner, they can’t really keep an eye on their finances and set money aside each month. That’s why it’s better to rely on what the stars have to say about this. Carry the gemstone suitable for the sign with them every day for extra luck and focus.

Due to Martian influence in Libra’s abundance sector, they require a stone controlled by Mars, such as red garnet. This gemstone exudes drive, tenacity, and a fierce demeanor. It is crafted especially for Libra and provides prosperity and material growth.

Scorpio – I believe that the cosmos does not fear my success, but rather promotes my materialistic goals.

Everybody born under this sign has a strong desire to achieve, particularly in the world of business. Scorpios are good at gaining money because they are clever, resourceful, and very focused.

Because Jupiter affects your abundance sector, the perfect gemstone is lapis lazuli. This Jupiter-ruled stone gives vast, opulent energy and strengthens spiritual awareness. Scorpios will be protected by lapis lazuli, which will pour upon them prosperity and wealth.

Sagittarius – I turn down offers that fail to link with my long-term needs with abundance, always keeping the bigger picture in mind.

Compared to other zodiac signs, Sagittarius is probably the only one who sees money as a tool to get them what they want. Being super materialistic, a Sagittarius isn’t one of those who save money for darker days since they believe that money is meant to move.

However, those who are the exception to this pattern are advised to keep in their pocket a smoky quartz. This stone, controlled by Saturn, purges negativity and uplifts the soul, making the individual more mindful of finances.


Disciplined and organized with their future already pictured in their minds, Capricorns are one of the most financially savvy signs of the zodiac. Even better than Virgos. So if they want to just be rich and keep this goal high on their priority list, most likely they will achieve it sooner rather than later.

For a bit of extra luck, besides their determination, Capricorns must carry in their pockets a sodalite, a gemstone ruled by Uranus. This stone will sharpen one’s intelligence and give even more confidence to follow their instincts.


Most Aquarians find it quite easy to manage their finances because of their aptitude for analytical thought and strong mathematical sense. To live their life as they see fit, seeing money as a tool rather than a symbol of power. Since money is ephemeral, Aquarians place more importance on other factors than money.

Neptune affects the abundance sector for Aquarius, so the perfect crystal is selenite. This stone, controlled by Neptune, purges the room of heavy, negative energy and replaces it with positivity.


For Pisces, helping others who are less fortunate and making wise use of money are much more important than anything else. Jasper is the perfect crystal to have on hand for great fortune and luck because of this. This stone promotes strengthening relationships and heart growth.

Bottom line:

Realistically speaking, everybody can become wealthy, and the energies in their birth chart represent that capacity. Certain individuals possess financial education more than others, while others do not at all. But the good thing is that it’s never too late to start knowing more about this field.

Some people’s futures involve easy access to money or financial gain through relationships (partners, families, etc.). Others have destinies that require them to overcome obstacles head-on at every turn.

It’s crucial to remember that, aside from having various stones that bring luck based on your zodiac sign in your pocket and believing that you will become wealthy, your capacity to manage your monthly expenses and your employment are among the only things that will determine your financial security in the end.

You may also want to check out: Luckiest Zodiac Signs in 2025 Based on Chinese Astrology

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