What Will 2025 Bring?

It could feel like yesterday that the clocks were going forward and the promise of summer stretched ahead of us, but guess what? 2024 has almost come to an end. While we could be prone to think that this year has come with a breathless period in terms of global politics, in its place 2025 awaits with a lot of assurance and a brand new chapter in all of our lives.

Whether you find all this hurtling into a new year quite discombobulating or exhilarating, it can provide a steady swell of assurance during times of turbulence. In such cases, the zodiac can provide plenty of guidance as to what the new year could have in store for us, which can also help us prime ourselves to be able to give everything we’ve got to the year ahead. So, let’s see what we should expect.

wear on a first date 2025
Photo by PixelsMD Production from Shutterstock

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Well, we’re going to start with the fact that your ruling planet, Mars, is retrograde until February 23. Retrogrades are basically an optical illusion when planets seem to move backward through the zodiac. They represent delays and frustrations.

Scattering your energy could lead to burnout and exhaustion by spring, especially if you’re not careful. Luckily, all is not lost, dear Aries. You are advised to slow down, avoid multitasking, and re-focus your energy on the projects that really require your time and dedication.

Between March 1 and April 12, you should welcome inner work in your romantic relationships, and make sure you pay extra attention to your health in the last weeks of March and May. If anything does come up, you should go to the doctor. May 22 might as well be a great day of joy, and with a bit of moderation and intentions, you can start smelling the success of your efforts by June 15.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

This is the year where you reap all the financial rewards. With Jupiter transiting through your second house of money, income, and possessions, 2025 is also the year of increasing your income and investing in your style, personal tastes, and self-worth.

You should only be careful not to overdo the spending and indulgence. Woods, however, is quite clear that all of that indulgence shouldn’t automatically come at the cost of your self-care. If you have ever needed to reset and get as clear as you can on your values, this is the year to do so. The North Node of increased emphasis is transiting your house of friendships and community. Get out there and connect with a new community. You never know who you might need.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

If you are eager to change or upgrade your career, then this energy is here to support your endeavors. An increase in your income might be on the horizon as expansive Jupiter enters your second house of income on June 9 for a year.

And if you want to hear your mantra for 2025, it is “liberate yourself from limitations.” Single Geminis should be more open to all invites in July, since exciting Uranus enters your sign on July 9 for a seven-year stint. For those of you who are already romantically locked down, put energy into keeping your relationship fresh to ward off boredom around this time of the year.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

2025 might not exactly start as it means to continue for Cancerians. Cancer signs might have a slower start to the year, especially as they finish up a transit that’s calling them to focus on hibernation and solitude. This has been illuminating a slower pace of life since May 2024, a period during which rest has been the focus of everything.

They might also have been developing an interest in their own psyche, via a series of alternative practices like astrology or tarot, or even therapy. This introspective work will come in handy during 2025.

This energy is preparing them for their main stage moment from June 2025, when life might get a lot busier. Jupiter moves into their first house blessing them with opportunities across all areas of their life.

Luck can also find them by simply being themselves, and utilizing all their Cancer essence of caring and looking after other people. At the beginning of 2025, they might feel a bit unmotivated, or without direction.

This energy could also push them away from a series of things that have become lackluster in their lives. If they consider starting new hobbies, spending time with new people, or frequenting new places, they will feel more fulfilled.

By the second half of the year, they might be open to new relationships, whether romantic or platonic or deepen existing partnerships. Their career will also take center stage since the start of the year could redirect them to places of work that are more deserving of their energy, and show that their work is valued.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

There are epic changes coming up for Leos in the upcoming year. The karmic axis will enter your eighth and second houses, signaling an improvement in your financial situation. You will manage to elevate to a whole new level in this area.

Moreover, this period brings financial influx, either directly or indirectly. It could be through an increase in your partner’s or parents’ income, marriage to a very successful person, or even government assistance. Inheritances, financial gifts, as well as passive income from investments, and fees are on the table. You might take out a loan, relocate to a more prestigious place, or even invest in your future.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

This will be a year of real transformation, Virgo. Try to prepare ahead for an extensive self-examination coming up in 2025. The releasing South Node enters your sign on January 11 for eighteen months, right before the March 13 lunar eclipse will put an emphasis on your vitality.

There are so many dates that you need to prepare for this year. Try to tame your overthinking, or you might find yourself in a situation where you’re completely exhausted from work by July 7. Sometimes, it’s more than fine to release control and delegate.

As you might be posed with all manner of introspective questions right at the beginning of 2025, September will promise to be a very busy month. The lunar eclipse on September 7 could bring many opportunities through relationships. As a new journey will begin with the first solar eclipse in your sign on September 21, we’d advise you to embrace change.

reckless 2025
Photo by Mauricio Graiki from Shutterstock

Libra (September 23-October 22)

It might not always feel like this, but everything is truly within your control this year, Libra. The activation of your sixth and twelfth houses will come with a huge improvement in your quality of life and finances.

It’s time to let go of the past and any restrictions it might have imposed even if there are many changes to your responsibilities within the workplace, whether a promotion or shift in team dynamics might definitely be on the cards.

This year is bound to be fruitful. For business owners, this period brings plenty of expansion, even in certain competitive environments. If you are not working at the moment, you will still experience increased activity, focusing on self-care or family matters.

However, it might not be plain sailing. It’s quite important to plan your days, weeks, and months ahead, focusing and prioritizing practical tasks. Selling long-held items or even repaying debts is also encouraged since this period is quite favorable for relocation or starting brand-new ventures in a new environment.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Are you ready to fully step into your year of abundance? Abundance flows in all the streams involving investing, passive income, and joint finances this year since Jupiter, the planet of growth and abundance, will keep transiting through your eight houses of the stock market, investments, and joint finances with a partner.

The North Node will also put special emphasis and focus on the house of creativity, self-expression, and fun. There’s definitely going to be a vibe shift by January 12, especially when your life will become less focused on daily work habits and more on the joys of life, entertainment, as well as pleasure.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

You might be invited this year to reassess the structure of your daily existence throughout 2025, Sagittarius. The karmic axis affects the fourth and tenth houses, asking you to fight for your place in the world and reassess all your achievements.

Your main life interests will also take center stage during this time. You might move to a much nicer and bigger home, relocate to another city or country, or even acquire a second property. Traveling will also come with plenty of opportunities, and you will focus more on home renovations, design, and dealing with finances and documents related to real estate.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

2025 is a year of introspection and delving into all the ways in which you were molded by your formative years. If you have aging parents, you might want to debate future plans with your siblings, as extra attention on your romantic relationships will reap the dividends, especially when expansive Jupiter enters your seventh house of partnership on June 9 for a year.

The stars will show you that you might have to sustain your partner this time around, reducing their workload at home.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

This will be such a fun year for Aquariuses. Jupiter keeps transiting through your house for entertainment, pleasure, hobbies, and dating, which makes it the perfect year for romance. Since you have, this year, the planet of good luck moving through your house of good fortune, there’s plenty of joy to be found in pursuing pleasure, fun, and hobbies this year.

Some Aquariuses will also become pregnant this year or they will be luckier in their relationships. But that’s not all! There’s plenty of abundance to be found in finances, too. The North Node of Focus also emphasizes income goals, so how will you make money going forward?

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Pisces is bound to experience quite an exciting 2025 that will upgrade its life across all areas. Since September 2024, a new cycle in their personal relationships, from romantic partners to platonic, will be activated. This area of their life will be sped up until early 2027.

For Pisces, relationships have been a hard graft recently, especially since they have the bad habit of seeing the ones around them with rose-colored glasses. Due to Saturn’s transit through Pisces, this rose tint has had a full-blown awakening, with some relationships dissipating.

Some Pisces might have had a series of harsh realizations on how they contribute to dysfunctional dynamics with others. But the personal upgrade was also worth the effort!

Since 2025 will come with a busy schedule, we recommend you get this daily planetary guidebook to efficiently organize the energy you are bound to receive from the stars!

If you found this article useful, we also recommend checking: Your Zodiac Sign’s Most Embarrassing Habit—Exposed!

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