November’s New Moon fell on Friday the first, in the sign of Scorpio. No matter what your sign is, the sensual and sometimes spiky, often sleuth-y side of Scorpio is definitely there to caress your world to some extent this month.
There’s also a very strong, intuitive feel with this Water Element sign, so your instincts will be heightened. If you somehow sense any undercurrents, then make sure you’re prepared to deep dive into the flow and explore what’s truly going on with a situation that could seem wrapped up in mystery.
New moons are also the seed points for fresh endeavors, so what you set in motion now could easily develop into something way more significant by the time of Scorpio’s Full Moon in May 2025. Now, let’s discuss how each sign will navigate this month’s sensual and intricated tides.
November’s New Moon falls in the most private, seductive, and powerful area for you. You might as well re-ignite your sex life and negotiate a watertight deal that could be linked to your finances.
Your intuition is extremely sharp now, so you better trust your gut instincts in all situations, especially around money and intimacy.
Your relationships will get the well-deserved New Moon treatment this month. Things could easily feel refreshed with a long-term lover, or a brand new liaison could start now as the New Moon launches a six-month phase for love to bloom and grow.
Whether it’s something personal or strictly professional, close partnerships and potential partnerships go very deep now. Just think of the soulmate connection.
Health and work routines could get a well-deserved cosmic detox, courtesy of November’s New Moon. So make sure you cut out all the clutter from both areas of your life over the next six months and your body, mind, and work environment can be suddenly transformed.
The purpose is for them to run more smoothly. Your instincts are probably on the spot right now, so pay extra attention to the information you hear on the down-low, to keep you ahead of the game.
This month’s sultry New Moon will activate your romantic and artistic desires. There’s also a therapeutic feel to this New Moon, that might find you exorcising the memory of an ex through hot love with a new lover, or even making art that unleashes and releases any lingering inner anxiety.
Your home life could be drastically transformed, especially under the influence of November’s New Moon. Whether you are in the lookout for a deep clean and detox at home, or you suddenly decide to paint the walls a darker shade of green, this month you will do it.
Also, if you’ve been planning to clear the air with someone whom you share your space with, this is the ideal time to do so. You can even use this New Moon energy to launch your search for the ideal pad and move houses.
Alternatively, you might decide to spend more time with your family and really get to fully understand your heritage.
This month’s New Moon brings out a certain inner super sleuth if you know what I mean. You have to know what’s happening now, whether it’s by effectively immersing yourself in a subject that really gets you going, or by finding out what’s going on in your own neighborhood.
You might as well decide to blow the whistle on a certain issue you feel strongly about, or start studying to increase your skills to expert levels.
Knowledge is power, especially now, under this New Moon’s influence, so you should aim to increase your intellectual prowess between now and the Scorpio Full Moon in May next year.
There’s a certain desire to increase your income that could be easily activated by November’s New Moon. Streamlining your money flow is quite likely now, with a specific “less is more” approach to how you earn, save, and also spend emerging over the coming months.
You can start exploring your options now and by next May you might have quite a sizeable amount stashed away, either for slower days or for a big-ticket item you’ve been wishing for. After all, you deserve it.
Your look as well as your outlook will be definitely up for a makeover, because of this month’s New Moon in your sign. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a major overhaul, since even subtle tweaks can make a huge difference now.
You might as well choose to express yourself more confidently or even approach life more positively. But keep in mind that you should do so with a natural progression rather than force yourself to be someone you’re simply not.
A transformation on the outside, maybe with your own fashion style, might benefit your interior life and mood for now.
This month’s New Moon activates your moods, emotions, as well as your memories. It could be quite therapeutic in eliminating some of your old ghosts from your past.
There’s also a detoxing feel to this New Moon and you might feel inclined to spend more time in seclusion to fully replenish your emotional well-being. You can use all this fresh lunar energy to stock up and replenish your resilience between now and the Full Moon next May.
You embody your zodiac sign, so sometimes (always) you tend to stick with what you know and who you know. Well, this New Moon in November might open you up to new friendships and fresh hopes and dreams.
You should grant complete trust to your go-to crew (this will turn out to be extremely important now), as you might feel the need to finally confide some of your deep feelings to a friend under this lunar energy. A change of direction with your ambitions might also set you on a transformational path this month.
Hidden depths might be revealed in your career, because of the influence of November’s New Moon. You might even crave more power or responsibility at work.
There’s a very strong sense that you need to cut out the clutter and get to the point with the kind of work you do now or might wish to do in the future.
You might want to start doing some in-depth research and try to look for new challenges, especially since this New Moon might pull in the right kind of opportunities for you to make your mark on the world.
New adventures are on the horizon now, with the New Moon stirring up a desire to travel, explore, study, and learn way more than you currently know. If you also accept this challenge from the cosmos, you should strive to explore what’s really different and extraordinary.
You want to build up your cache of knowledge and experiences over the next six months. You can even question your belief system, or even certain areas that are connected to the legal system could fascinate you now.
Whether it’s writing, connecting, or simply creating in a deep and innovative way, you are ready to expose some taboos under these powerful moonbeams.
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