Afraid of Mercury retrograde? Fear no more!
Mercury retrograde is a celestial event that scares everyone, but should we always be on the edge every time it happens? There are three to four weeks of chaos, but this comes with a silver lining. Yes, you’ve heard right!
Mercury retrograde is infamous for throwing off our plans, causing conflicts and misunderstandings, but there’s also another side of this transit that no one talks about. This is why I am here today. I want to tell you more about the beneficial aspects of the Mercury retrograde and how you can use it to make your life better.
Think of it as a cosmic pause button. This is your time to look back at what happened and reflect. This is not a time to start a new project or make big decisions. Instead, revisit and re-evaluate. Now you have the chance to do it without any consequences.
What is surprising is that those tasks that we generally consider unbearable might become easier. Mercury retrograde is a prime time to tie up loose ends and find closure. The best strategy is to shift your focus from what might go wrong to embracing this opportunity to slow down.
1. Say goodbye to bad habits
Please look under the surface and learn how to enjoy this astral event. It’s a perfect time to release bad habits. When Mercury retrograde is up in the sky, moving backward, you can slow down and review all the patterns and routines that no longer serve you.
Since this is a big cosmic pause, identifying all of the things you need to let go is easier. One method to do this more effectively is to try journaling. Just grab a pen and a notebook and start writing how you feel. This might seem a little bit unusual at first, but please just keep going because this is a transformative experience.
How’ve you been feeling lately? Think about it and write it down. Are there recurring thoughts or actions that seem to drain your energy? Stop holding yourself back.
Another good idea is to write your inner dialogue. Then read them and decide if there is something that is not okay. Negative self-talk, for example, is pretty common, and now is your chance to say goodbye to it. You’re awesome!
2. Cleaning and organizing
Maybe you never thought that Mercury retrograde was the perfect time to organize stuff around your home. There is a high chance your life will be turned upside down, but you don’t need to think big now. No plans, no new starts. Stay inside, have a drink, create a calm atmosphere, and begin a much-needed session of decluttering.
Retrogrades can be wild with all of that chaotic energy, but you should focus on the other side of the retrograde, and I am talking about the reflective energy. Look around the house and once again decide what you should leave behind. Maybe you have a cluttered garage or a pile of “urgent” papers shoved somewhere in a drawer. It’s finally the moment when you can take care of them.
So, that manic energy can fuel you to align with who you are and get rid of anything that sits there just taking up precious space.
3. Reevaluate your goals
Wait! Before saying anything, I want to tell you that yes, this is not a time to make plans, but checking if your goals align with who you are and what you want to do is different. They are different actions, and this is your cosmic invitation to decide if you are heading where you want to go.
Are your goals still meaningful to you? This is an essential question that not many people ask themselves. You should always try to follow what your instinct says and choose a direction that matches what your soul wants.
What are your current goals? Take a second and sit there with your feelings. If something seems off, maybe you should no longer pursue that road. You can wait for the retrograde to end and simply change your path.
There is no need to focus your ambitions on something that you don’t really want. You better let some things go and later choose something that truly interests you. As I already told you, Mercury retrograde lets you see some patterns that no longer suit you so you can finally get rid of them.
4. Relaxation
Believe it or not, but if you are one of those people who always postpone relaxation, Mercury retrograde can be a real gift. Now you have nothing better to do than reflect and relax. Please just slow down and recharge your batteries.
As long as you stay in a calmer atmosphere, the relaxation part will come naturally most of the time. Now, the problem is that somehow during Mercury retrograde, some individuals seem to want to start doing things, and this will only stir up their whole lives.
But if you stay in a quiet place, you will see that there is nothing better to do than enjoy your own company and think about the past and the future. It’s finally the ideal moment to take time for yourself, indulge in deeper rest, and create a cozy space.
Besides the physical relaxation, you should also relax your mind. You’ll see that this will bring out a lot of creativity that you can later use in your projects. Slow down and simply try to reconnect with yourself.
See? Mercury retrograde is nothing to dread. It can be a powerful time for reflection and reorganization. The secret is to have the right mindset. Slow and retrospective, that’s the way to go!
Are you ready to make the most out of Mercury retrograde? I would be glad to hear how you are planning to spend this time! You can tell me all about it in the comments. Also, if you have your own tips and tricks for surviving retrogrades, you can go ahead and share them with the world.
If you want to learn more about this, I have a book that might help you: The Mercury Retrograde Book: Turn Chaos into Creativity to Repair, Renew, and Revamp Your Life
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